
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 21:42:49
用真诚的的声音,传递真诚的世界``伸出你的手`伸出我的手 让我们相会在电波中``说出你的快乐,说出我的烦恼`让我们分享彼此的喜 怒 哀 乐``各位老师 各位同学 大家 中午好``校园之声广播站 现在开始为您播音`欢迎走进今天的英语沙龙```

Use sincerity of of voice, deliver sincere world``stretch out a your hand`stretch out a my hand to let us meet in the electric wave``speak you of happiness, speak my annoyance`let us share each other of loving, anger, saddness, and happiness``each classmate everyone of each teacher at noon like``the voice of the campus broadcasting the station starts sowing a sound for you now`welcome to walk into today's English salon